Zendesk Insights

Gtmhub OKRs comes with out-of-the-box insights for Zendesk that you can install with a few clicks. Here's how the Zendesk integration works.

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a week ago

Gtmhub comes with following out-of-the-box insights for popular customer service software Zendesk.


  • Net promoter score
    Net promoter score from NPS surveys

  • Zendesk tickets
    Overview of tickets - total vs. solved

  • Tickets average agent wait time
    Calculates the average time agent waits for additional info on from requester. Uses date range filter. Values are in minutes.

  • Tickets average first resolution time
    Calculates the average time to first resolution of support tickets. Uses date range filter. Values are in minutes.

  • Tickets average full resolution time
    Calculates the average time to full resolution of support tickets. Uses date range filter. Values are in minutes.

  • Tickets requester average wait time
    Calculates the average time requester spends waiting on agent. Uses date range filter. Values are in minutes.

  • Zendesk Satisfaction rating
    Calculates average satisfaction rating for a given date range.

  • Tickets average first response time
    Calculates the average time to first response of support tickets. Uses date range filter. Values are in minutes.

  • Customer satisfaction
    Percentage of customers that rated the support services as Good.

  • First-time fix
    Percentage of solved tickets without a re-open from the customers. Filtered for the selected date range.

  • New ticket service level
    Calculates the number and percent of tickets where the first response is within 2 business hours. Filtered by date range.


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