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How to configure SCIM user provisioning
How to configure SCIM user provisioning

Provision and deprovision users and teams in your Quantive account from your Identity Provider

Boyan Barnev avatar
Written by Boyan Barnev
Updated over a week ago

You can configure Quantive to automatically create and deactivate users whenever they are provisioned and deprovisioned from the application in your Identity Provider. What's more, you can configure each user's first name, last name, manager, and team to be automated from the IdP.

Configure SCIM with Quantive

Issue a SCIM token

The Quantive SCIM server expects a Bearer token in the request header to authenticate and authorize the provisioning operations. You must issue a SCIM token from your Quantive account and use it when setting up provisioning in your IdP. Follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings, then go to API Tokens on the left-hand menu.

  2. Click on 'Issue token'.

    1. Give your token a name (so you can distinguish which app is integrated via it later)

    2. and then select SCIM from the dropdown.

Once ready with the token, click on the masked portion it to copy the value

Use the SCIM token when setting up SCIM authentication in your Identity Provider.

Provide your account-specific SCIM URL

When configuring provisioning in your IdP you will need to provide your Quantive account SCIM URL (also referred to as SCIM Connector Base URL). Its value is specific to your Quantive account and the Data center your account is located in. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings, then go to API Tokens on the left-hand menu.

  2. Copy your Account ID

  3. Construct your account-specific SCIM URL by replacing {Account ID} below with the value you copied in step 1 above

    1. If your Quantive account is in EU (its URL follows the pattern your SCIM URL is{Account ID}

    2. If your Quantive account is in US (its URL follows the pattern your SCIM URL is{Account ID}

    3. If your Quantive account is in Asia (its URL follows the pattern your SCIM URL is{Account ID}

    4. If your Quantive account is in South America (its URL follows the pattern your SCIM URL is{Account ID}

Configure SCIM mappings

Quantive SCIM server supports the following user fields:


Map to



Your IdP user email

Required. User to identify or create a user in Quantive


A property of your IdP user indicating whether they are active

Optional. Activates/Deactivates a user in Quantive. Must be boolean value.


Your IdP user first name

Optional. Sets the given name in Quantive


Your IdP user last name

Optional. Sets the family name in Quantive


Your IdP user profile picture URL

Optional. Sets the profile picture URL.


Your IdP user linked manager

Optional. Used to set the teams hierarchy if org chart provisioning is enabled(see below)


Your IdP user department

Optional. Used to set the team name if org chart provisioning is enabled (see below)

You can see a full reference of the supported fields by the Quantive SCIM by navigating in your browser to your account-specific SCIM Schema URL. The SCIM schema URL for your account is your SCIM Tenant URL with /schemas appended at the end.

For example, if your SCIM Tenant URL is{Account ID}, your SCIM Schema URL: is{Account ID}/schemas

Configure org structure provisioning

You can specify whether when a new user is provisioned via SCIM in Quantive they are assigned to a team based on their manager or managers department. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the SCIM Provisioning tab in the left-hand navigation

  2. In Create teams, choose which field should the system use to do so.

    1. If you choose Department, Quantive will use the name of the department field configured in your IdP SCIM mappings and create a team with that name. So in practice, when that mode is enabled Department is equal to a Team in Quantive. Note that when Department mode is enabled, we're still using the Manager field value to create the team in hierarchy. We only use the Department name (of the managers dept.) to name the team in Quantive.

    2. If in your Identity Provider org structure you have multiple people that have the same department, but there's a hierarchical relationship between them and they have teams on their own, it's better to select the Manager option. When this option is selected, Quantive will create (or map) a team with that same Department name and will then use the manager field to create sub-teams that will be called '{Department name} - {User Names}'. E.g. the final result would look like this: the parent team would be 'Sales', and then a sub-team would be 'Sales - John Harrison'.

Integrating with your HCM system

In practice, you can instrument your IdP to sync team names from your HCM system into the Department field, which will then sync to Quantive. Alternatively, you can create a custom attribute in your AD and sync team names from your HCM into it. You can then configure in the attribute mappings this field to map to teams in Quantive.

If you are using Workday as your HCM, you can integrate Quantive directly with it so that the team hierarchy in Quantive is managed directly from the source. For more information, please refer to How to Connect Workday.

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