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Connect Salesforce to Quantive Results to measure the performance and efficiency of sales teams and automate your OKRs updates.

Boyan Barnev avatar
Written by Boyan Barnev
Updated over 9 months ago


How to connect

  • In Quantive Results, navigate to Settings > Data Sources screen

  • Click the Add new data source button

  • From the Choose a connector dialog, select the Sales tab and then Salesforce

Quantive Results connects to using OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization protocol. By creating a connection you will grant Quantive Results offline access to your data. To create a connection click on the Insights drop down menu > Insights > Install from gallery button > choose Salesforce. Then fill in your Organization ID and click Authenticate.

You can authorise Quantive Results to access to your data.

Once you complete this step you will asked to define who will be eligible to administrate the connection in Quantive:

Next you will be able to select the entities you want to pull data from:

Select the entity you need, give it a meaningful name and choose its sync schedule:

Finally define permissions who will be able to see and use the information in this entity to create insights and automate KRs and KPIs:

You are now ready to start creating insights or install the Quantive Results insight presets for For more information on the insight presets read: insights.

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